How To Setup a Minecraft Server on Raspberry Pi

12:24 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

Helolo everyone!

Setting up the Raspberry Pi Minecraft Server

Okay, first we will need to install Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi. 
If you have not done this yet, a quick Google search should help you out ;)
  1. First let's update the Raspberry Pi to the latest versions using this:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
  2. Now open raspi-config so we can change some settings:
sudo raspi-config
(if you want more help with the raspi-config, tell me below)
  1. Now inside of raspi-config, go to Advanced Options->Memory Split, and change it to 16. (This will make more memory free for the server)
  2. Also you do NOT want to boot into Raspbian desktop so make sure you Enable Boot to desktop/scratch goes to command line.
  3. Set overclocking to High. (If possible, :( I could not on my Pi )
  4. Finally enable SSH so we can connect the Pi remotely if required (Unless you already have it enabled drrrr).
  5. Now go to finish and reboot/restart.
  6. I will want the IP address of your Pi for when I try to connect to to your server. LOL just kidding!     We need to get our Pi's IP address for when we try to connect to our servers. Get you IP by typing this command:
sudo hostname -I
  1. Next we NEED to install Java, because the Raspberry Pi Minecraft Server NEEDS IT to run. To do this we will need to get it from the Java website.(If you’re on the latest version of Raspbian (Raspbian Jessie with PIXEL) you can skip to step 13 as Java is pre-installed on Raspbian Jessie with PIXEL.)
sudo wget --no-check-certificate
  1. Now YOU MUST run the following command to unzip the file into the opt folder.
sudo tar zxvf jdk-8u60-ea-bin-b25-linux-arm-vfp-hflt-21_jul_2015.tar.gz -C /opt
  1. To check that it unzipped properly and is usable I COMMAND YOU TO run the following command:
sudo /opt/jdk1.8.0_60/bin/java -version
  1. Now we will need the Minecraft server file, we’re going to use a builder tool that is supplied by spigot, to get this enter the following commands:
sudo mkdir /home/minecraft
cd /home/minecraft
sudo wget
  1. Now you will want to run the build tools file so it creates your spigot server. It will take about 15-60 minutes to finish. Add --rev 1.10.2 to the end of the command to get the latest version. Don’t forget to change 1.10.2 in the command to the latest version number.
    Note: If you’re on the latest version of Raspbian you can remove /opt/jdk1.8.8_60/bin/ from this command and any other command that contains it).
sudo /opt/jdk1.8.0_60/bin/java -jar BuildTools.jar
Important: If you have a Raspberry Pi B+/B or any variation before the Raspberry Pi 2 then the build tools WILL, AND MUST, FAIL! You can instead download the spigot.jar directly from file mirror using the following command:
sudo wget
If you want a older version for some reason(I did it for the Moon mod, yeah!) you can simply change the number at the end (e.g. 1.10.2 changed to 1.7.10 ect).
  1. To make sure the spigot server successfully downloaded and saved simply type ls and should see spigot.jar.
Make sure you remain in the /home/minecraft folder as we want all the server files to be created in here. If you start the server in a different folder it will create the files in there.
  1. Now you can start your server. (You may need to change the version number depending on what version you’re using eg. spigot-1.10.2.jar)
Raspberry Pi
sudo /opt/jdk1.8.0_60/bin/java -Xms256M -Xmx496M -jar /home/minecraft/spigot-1.10.2.jar nogui
Raspberry Pi 2 & 3
sudo /opt/jdk1.8.0_60/bin/java -Xms512M -Xmx1008M -jar /home/minecraft/spigot-1.10.2.jar nogui
Now the server should HALT right away because you MUST agree to the Eula. You (and I :P)can do this by opening the Eula by typing(Man..that words been used to many times) sudo nano eula.txt and change "false" to "TRUE" or "true" or "True" or "truE" or whatever way you want.
  1. Now start it up AGAIN, it will take a while to create a map so give it about 5-15 minutes. If you ever reboot it will only take 30-60 seconds to load if the map has already been created.
  2. The server should now be running and connectable over your local network.
  3. The Raspberry Pi Minecraft server will now run fine but YOU may want to do some "optimizations" to speedup that slug(server).
So I hope you had fun!(I did :P)
And make sure to comment if you want some speederupping tricks.

Thanks for reading!
Techie Pocket

How To Use a Folder on Windows as a FTP Repository

6:10 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Helolo everyone!
In this guide I take you through the steps to setup a folder on your Windows computer as an FTP repository, using a free program called FileZilla. FTP can be used to easily transfer a lot of files between computers; the FTP repository can be mapped to multiple computers across the Internet so that other people can access the directory right from Windows Explorer.

To start, you’ll need to download FileZilla server, available here.

After downloading the program, you can install it with all of the default settings. 
FileZilla will install a service that runs whenever Windows boots up, so if you would rather only run the FTP server manually, select the appropriate option from the drop down menu on the third screen.

Apart from that setting, everything else can be left at the defaults for the purpose of this tutorial. Once installation is complete, the FileZilla interface will open. 
Just click "Ok" when this window pops up right after installation.

2. Once the FTP server interface has loaded, we are ready to specify a directory as an FTP repository. 
If the directory you want to use isn’t already created, minimize the interface and create a folder where you want the FTP share to be. In this tutorial, I are going to use the folder ‘FTP’ on my desktop. 
Its exact location will be “C:\Users\Standard\Desktop\FTP”.
Click on Edit and then Users.

On the left side of the window that comes up, click on “Shared folders.”
Once there, click on “Add” underneath “Users.” Enter the username for an account that another computer will be using to access the repository we’re setting up.
Click OK once you’re done entering the account name, and then click on “Add” underneath the “Shared folders” section. Once you’ve done that, a window like the one below will pop up, use it to select the directory you would like to share as an FTP repository.

Click OK. Now we need to assign the user permissions for this repository. By default, the user we’ve created is able to read files, list directories, and list subdirectories. To give the user further permissions, such as the ability to copy files to this repository, check the boxes beneath ‘Files’ and ‘Directories.’
Click "Ok" once you’re done setting the user permissions.

Securing Your FTP Server

Along with configuring the user(s) with a strong password, there are a few settings within FileZilla that you can configure to further secure your new FTP server.

Hackers will constantly scan the internet for hosts listening on port 21, the default FTP port. To avoid being detected by the thousands of hackers constantly scanning for people like you with an FTP server, we can change the port that FileZilla listens on. Go to Edit and then Settings. Under “General settings” you’ll see “Listen on these ports.” It should currently be on 21, but we recommend changing it to a random five digit number (nothing over 65535).

This doesn’t necessarily secure your server, but it obscures it and makes it harder to find. Just remember that anyone determined to hack you will eventually find the port your FTP server is listening on, so further measures must be taken.

As long as you know the IP’s (or at least the IP range) of the computers connecting to your FTP server, you can set FileZilla to only respond to login requests from those IP addresses. Under Edit > Settings, click on “IP Filter.”

In the first box, put an asterisk(*) to block all IP’s from connecting to your server. In the second box, add exceptions to this rule (IP’s or network ranges that should be allowed to connect). 
For example, we would have a configuration in which and the (in other words, – IP range would be able to connect.

Along with secure passwords, that should be about all the security your FTP server will need. 
There is a default Autoban setting already configured in FileZilla, so anyone who tries connecting to your server too many times within a short period will be locked out for a while. 
To tweak this setting, click on “Autoban” under Edit > Settings, but the default will suffice for most people.

One last note on the security of this FTP server: transmissions are in clear-text, so don’t use plain FTP to transfer anything confidential. SFTP or FTPS can be used for encrypting FTP communications, but are beyond the scope of this guide and will be covered in future articles.

Windows Firewall Exception

If you have a third party firewall or anti-virus program, be sure that the port you’ve chosen to run your FTP server on is allowed through it. If you have Windows Firewall enabled, you’ll need to add an exception for the port. Go to your Start menu and type Windows Firewall, then click on “Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.”

Click on “Inbound Rules” in the left column, and then “New Rule…” in the right column. 
We’ll be allowing a port through the firewall, so select Port when the wizard asks “What type of rule would you like to create” and then click next.

Type in the port you have chosen for your FTP server to run on (default is 21, but in this guide we chose 54218).
Click next three times after entering your port number. Put in a name and description for this exception so it’s easy to find in the future, and then click Finish.

Mapping the FTP Share on another Computer

Now that the FTP server is completely set up, we can have other people connect to it with the user information we provide them (also make sure you have allowed their IP address). Others could always use GUI applications such as FileZilla to connect to your FTP share, or they could map it to their computer so it shows up in Explorer.

Open ‘Computer’ and right click in a blank area, then select “Add a network location.”
The “Add Network Location” wizard will appear, click next twice. Enter the IP address and port of your FTP server, and click next.

Uncheck “Log on anonymously” and enter the username you have configured for your FTP server. Click next twice and then click finish. It should ask you for your password, and then you will be able to browse to the FTP share as if it were a local hard drive.

So I hope you found this info helpful, and if you did be sure to checkout my website:

Thanks for reading this article!